Attraction of Opposites

Two Person Show. With Linda Negrin.

April 30th – May 25. 2024. Reception Saturday May 4th. 3-5pm. Mamaroneck Artists Guild Gallery. Larchmont, NY.

Check gallerly website for hours. or Visit with appointment. email: to setup appointment because normally it is closed on Sundays.

Reception Sat May 4th. 2024. 3-5pm. Larchmont, NY

Event dates to keep in mind:

April 30th. Opening of exhibit.

May 3rd. Artists talk. Both Linda and Luis. 1pm-3pm. At the gallery.

May 4th. Opening reception. 3-5pm. At the gallery

May 15th. Luis. Demo/Interactive Cyanotype creation with High School Students. 3-4pm. Free. If weather permits

May 18th. Luis. Demo/Interactive Cyanotype creation general public. $40 materials fee. If weather permits

May 25th. exhibit closes.

for more info please email me at: